Federal Shared Services: Leveraging a Best Practice to Improve Government
New Dates to be Announced
The Shared Services Leadership Coalition and the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration of The George Washington University are pleased to announce an expanded version of last year’s successful pilot training program.
This year’s program will offer a BASIC track teaching the fundamentals of how shared services work and how they are being implemented in the Federal environment; and an ADVANCED track for more experienced leaders wishing to learn more about how shared services are evolving in industry and how they can be leveraged more fully to drive modernization in government. The courses will be taught by GW professors and leaders from industry and government who are experts in these areas.
Participants who complete the program will receive CPE credits from the Trachtenberg School, recently recognized as the #9 ranked public management and leadership program in the nation by US News and World Report.
Register now at the link below.
Basic Track (Six 50-minute modules in two sessions)
New Dates to be Announced
- What Is Shared Services?
- Current State of Federal Shared Services
- Customer Experience and Value Proposition
- Enabling Activities (Budget, FM, Acquisition)
- Where to Start Your Agency’s Shared Services Journey
- Pulling It All Together and Making It Real
Advanced Track (Twelve 50-minute modules in three sessions)
New Dates to be Announced
- Next Level Customer Experience and Value Proposition
- Next Level Enabling Activities (Budget, FM, Acquisition)
- Funding Challenges and the Art of the Winning Business Case
- Seizing Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges
- Leading Transformational Change: Becoming a Shared Services Evangelist
- Continuous Innovation and Evolution of Shared Services in Industry
- Charting a Course to the Future of Government Shared Services
- Critical Issues and Opportunities in FM Shared Services
- Critical Issues and Opportunities in HR Shared Services
- Critical Issues and Opportunities in Cyber Security Shared Services
- Critical Issues and Opportunities in Grants Shared Services
- Pulling It All Together and Making It Real
Robin Gardner, CGI
Ken Newton, NASA
Randy Bridges, YRCI
Rob Wuhrman, GSA
Yasmeen Burns, The Clearing
Tashona Beale, DoD
Steve Redburn, GW
Mary Davie, retired GSA
Brad DeMent, Scott Madden
Jason Payton, Scott Madden
Costis Toregas, GW
Byron Adkins, Farm Credit Administration
Costis Toregas, GW
Lisa Zellers, ViaTrie
Topher Marshall, ViaTrie
Steve Redburn, GW
Jim Williams, retired GSA
Josh Bailes, Groudswell
Yasmeen Burns, The Clearing
Iman Aquil, IBM
Jeff Schramek, Treasury
Joshua Shapiro, Ascella
Steve Nulter, Treasury
Andrea Sampanis, HHS
Dale Bell, HHS
Gabe Menchaca, Workforce Branch, OMB (invited)
Cathy Van Hoesen, Defense Finance & Accounting Service
Bob Deluca, Railroad Retirement Board
Holger Kupsch, SAP
Jd Walter
Patrick Newbold
Sylviane Haldiman
Other instructors to be announced soon!
For more information, please contact: Info@SharedServicesNow.org