News and Reports


SSLC Board Chair Steve Goodrich’s interview with Tom Timin of Fed News Radio, June 17, 2024.
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Statement for the Record US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountability “What We Have Here is a Failure to Collaborate: Review of GAO’s Annual Duplication Report.” June 3, 2024 
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Shared Services Leadership Coalition, Spring 2024 Newsletter
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Measuring the Business Value of Shared Services
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Opening the Aperture and Leveraging New and Emerging Shared Services, IBM Center for the Business of Government
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Steps Toward an Enhanced Shared Services Strategy, IBM Center for the Business of Government
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Preparing governments for future shocks: Collaborating to build resilient supply chains, IBM Center for the Business of Government
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2023 Shared Services Roundtable Summary Report, June 20, 2023
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SSLC Press Release CGI FM Marketplace, November 18, 2022
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The FM QSMO is excited to announce that the first commercial vendor has completed the evaluation/onboarding process for the FM QSMO Special Item Number (SIN) 518210FM and is now an approved provider in the FM QSMO Marketplace! Thursday, November 10, 2022
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Recommendations for Transitioning Shared Services to Full Operational Capability Across the Federal Government May 2022
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Summary of Roundtable Reports prior to 2022 Shared Services Summit, April 28, 2022
Co-Sponsored by SSLC and ACT-IAC
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Enabling a More Resilient and Shared Supply Chain Strategy for the Nation: Lessons Learned from COVID-19,
Published thru a partnership between SSLC and the IBM Center for the Business of Government,
April 7, 2022
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New Opportunities to Achieve through Public-Private Partnerships
Helping the federal government be more efficient and effective faster, with quality services at a lower cost
A report by the Center for Organizational Excellence, April 2022
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Shared Services Leadership Coalition, Spring 2022 Newsletter
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Local Government Shared Service Resilience: Evidence from England, a report by Dr. Thomas Elston, University of Oxford, published by Public Management Review.
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The Evolution of Government: Reducing Cost & Improving Mission Effectiveness
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Mobilizing Private Capital Investment for Government Modernization
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What Comes Next: Shared Services Beyond 2020
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The Evolution of Government Shared Services by Dan Chenok, IBM Center for the Business of Government, May 4, 2020 

Mobilizing Private Capital Investment for Government Modernization, a collaboration between SSLC and the IBM Center for the Business of Government  
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GAO-19-94, “Streamlining Government” Report 
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SSLC Commentary on GAO-19-94
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OMB-M-19-16, “Centralized Mission Support Capabilities for the Federal Government”
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SSLC Commentary on OMB-19-16 
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2018 Seminar Series Report Shared Services: Why the Voice of the Customer Matters
Done in partnership with Senior Executives Association (SEA) and National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)
See full report here.
See executive summary here.

November 1, 2018:  2018 Shared Services Summit, co-sponsored with AGA and ACT-IAC, Washington Convention Center.


Federal Administrative Streamlining and Transformation Act (Discussion Draft). This discussion draft has been prepared by the House of Representatives legislative counsel at the request of Congressman Mark Meadows, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, House Oversight and Reform Committee, for purposes of eliciting stakeholder feedback on the desirability and features of legislation to accelerate shared services. The bill has been designed to fully implement the recommendations of the Partnership for Public Service, Shared Services Roundtable’s 2015 report, Building a Shared Services Marketplace. Please feel free to send comments to

Federal Shared Services Infographic, June 16, 2017.
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OMB-GSA Release “M3” Guidance for Shared Services Modernization
Modernizing, streamlining and sharing mission support services such as financial management and human resources has long been seen as a path to more efficient use of taxpayer dollars. It also enables agencies to focus more time, energy and resources on their strategic priorities that benefit the public – building the nation’s infrastructure, ensuring our security, and strengthening our communities.
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Administration Shared Services Announcement Excellent Start But Legislation Needed for Remaining Challenges
Washington, D.C. – October 22, 2015 The Shared Services Leadership Coalition (SSLC) today applauded Dave Mader, Acting Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget, for announcing changes that will position the Administration for greater success in streamlining and modernizing of the federal government’s back office functions like financial management, human resources and purchasing, by accelerating use of a business model known as shared services.
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Federal Shared Services: Why Legislation is Necessary (April 2015)
This SSLC white paper explains why Congressional action is necessary to accelerate shared services implementation and describes the aims and particulars of the Coalition’s proposed legislation.
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The Pursuit of Government Efficiency: Opportunities to Advance Federal Shared Services 
AGA/Accenture, Annual CIO Survey, January 2015. The United States Department of the Treasury’s Office of Financial Innovation and Transformation (FIT) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) are making important strides in establishing the federal shared services marketplace. In 2013, OMB issued guidance on implementing financial management shared services, followed by designating, in May 2014, four agencies as Federal Shared Services Providers (FSSPs).
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Partnership for Public Service, Shared Services Roundtable Report
By sharing resources and services across common management and mission areas, otherwise known as “shared services,” federal agencies can leverage efficiencies of scale and improve the quality of their core operations by working within an entire department and, ideally, across departments.
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New Coalition Aims to Save $50 Billion in Federal Money Per Year
Washington, D.C. – Launching today in the nation’s capital, the Shared Services Leadership Coalition (SSLC) will push for streamlining and modernizing of the federal government’s back office functions like financial management, human resources and purchasing, by accelerating use of a business model known as shared services.
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Shared services now: A common-sense step toward 21st century government
What if there was a common sense way to save $50 billion per year in taxpayer dollars by streamlining and modernizing the federal bureaucracy – with no adverse impacts on critical missions or programs? What if modernization also enhanced government performance, transparency, accountability and cyber security? Would our political leaders be capable of putting aside partisan differences and agreeing to a no-brainer that’s good for government and taxpayers, and would help bring our archaic government into the 21st century?
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John Marshall, CEO, Shared Services Leadership Coalition
Everyone seems to agree: The use of shared services could save government agencies a lot of time and money. As the reasoning goes, why should multiple agencies have separate and expensive HR or financial systems all doing essentially the same functions? John Marshall is the founder and CEO of the Shared Services Leadership Coalition. This long-term federal senior executive joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to share some ideas for shared services.
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New coalition helps agencies ‘pick up the pace’ on shared services
Shared services providers could potentially save the federal government $50 billion per year, according to John Marshall, founder and CEO of a newly-created coalition.
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OMB’s Dave Mader: A zealot for shared services
David Mader came back for a second tour of duty in government to work on some of the most pressing federal financial management issues.
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Building a Shared Services Marketplace, Partnership for Public Service, Shared Services Roundtable Report, March 2015
Shared services has an evolutionary history in the federal government, growing gradually over the years through the initiatives of various administrations. Early department-wide consolidations of administrative functions such as payroll led to the emergence of lines of business (LOB), and the creation of government shared services providers. While many shared service initiatives are spearheaded by federal agencies, the private sector contributes to their success by providing critical resources and support.
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Shared Services as ‘Growth Hormone’ For DATA Act.
The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act — enacted unanimously by Congress last year and signed into law by the president on May 9, 2014 — is about to celebrate its first birthday.
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DATA Act at Year 1: In Need of a Growth Hormone, Hudson Hollister and John Marshall, NextGov, May 8, 2015
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Shared Services: A Key to a Modern Federal Cyber Strategy, Dave McClure and John Marshall, Federal News Radio,
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Shared Services: A Key to a Modern Federal Cyber Strategy, Dave McClure and John Marshall; Interview with Francis Rose, Federal News Radio, July 20, 2015.
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Shared services need a clearer road map, The Obama administration has announced a new governance structure to guide implementation of shared services through the end of the president’s term. The plan has received positive reviews from stakeholders for its close alignment with portions of a landmark report issued earlier this year by the Partnership for Public Service’s Shared Services Roundtable.
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Following the Path to Shared Services Government’s business infrastructure continues to lag behind, but it can quickly catch up with some congressional muscle.
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Brian Siegel: Agencies find it hard to play nice with shared services Play nice and share. A good prescription for little kids and for federal agencies trying to cut administrative and IT costs. But for kids and federal managers, shared services can be an uphill push. Federal Drive with Tom Temin asked Brian Siegel, principal in the federal consulting practice at Deloitte, why that is.
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Acquisition Shared Services: Progress, Lessons and Opportunities The federal government is the world’s largest buyer of goods and services, yet agencies frequently make purchases with little insight into what other agencies are buying. In fiscal year 2014, for example, more than 500 departments and agencies across the federal government spent more than $420 billion in purchases…
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Human Resources Shared Services: Progress, Lessons and Opportunities The Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte collaborated on this study, which reinforces that using shared services can help consolidate separate, overlapping and duplicative processes and systems—from human resources and acquisitions to financial management and information technology—to improve how government operates.
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A Call to Action on Shared Services Federal agencies remain fiercely committed to their missions and continue to tackle large and complex issues even as budgets shrink. However, in carrying out efforts such as keeping our communities safe, our water clean and our population healthy, agencies often perform work that isn’t part of their core mission.
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